Halcyon Agri aligns with GPSNR policy framework
SINGAPORE, 29 October 2021 – Halcyon Agri Corporation Limited (“Halcyon Agri”, the “公司名称” and together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) is pleased to announce that its revised 可持续天然橡胶供应链政策 (SNRSCP) is fully aligned with the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) policy framework for natural rubber production and sourcing (“Framework”), which was endorsed at the GPSNR 2nd Assembly on 23rd September 2020. The revision of the Group’s SNRSCP, which was initially developed in consultation with Rainforest Alliance and Proforest, reflects Halcyon Agri’s continued efforts to partner with industry stakeholders to advance the sustainability agenda of the natural rubber supply chain.
The GPSNR Framework represents a pivotal decision for the industry, with GPSNR member companies accounting for almost 50% of global natural rubber volume. The Framework is aligned with the UN Global Compact and is modelled around eight overarching themes, including commitments to legal compliance, community livelihoods, healthy, functioning ecosystems (including no deforestation), and respecting all human rights. Additionally, as 85% of the world’s natural rubber is produced by smallholders, GPSNR is embracing a concept of shared responsibility where the implementation and costs of sustainable operations do not fall solely on smallholders but can be equitably distributed across all stakeholder categories.
The Group recognises the importance of sustainable and responsible use of natural rubber, and strives to be a global steward to work together with its stakeholders to advance natural rubber sustainability.The key objectives of the SNRSCP include:
- Promote and outline the Group’s commitment to comply with applicable local and national laws on human rights, labour, land use, environment, and health and safety in the countries and regions in which it operates and observance of international norms;
- Promote the responsible acquisition and management of land for growing of natural rubber, and support the livelihood of smallholder farmers and the economic, social and cultural rights of indigenous peoples and local communities through access to education, employment and livelihood opportunities; and
- Develop and drive practices for traceability and implement best environmental standards in cultivation, harvesting and processing of natural rubber; apply continual improvement in our management systems and actively engage with our supply chain to communicate and ensure compliance with this Policy.
¹ Sinochem International Corporation, the major shareholder of Halcyon Agri
1 These include respecting and supporting the protection of internationally recognised human rights of workers, land owners, indigenous peoples and local communities (IP/LC) in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP)
2 A set of interrelated or interacting elements of an organization to establish policies and objectives, and processes to achieve those objectives – as defined under the International Organisation for Standardization (ISO)